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Can I add more sensors to my alarm system?


You buy an alarm system, is it the case that what you get is all you can have or can you add more sensors as time goes on and your needs change? This video will answer that question.

It’s funny, when I was thinking about the list of questions that I wanted to answer in this video series, the question relating to today’s video isn’t something I ever even considered would be a question to answer. And yet I keep being asked it. So I’m going to answer it now in this video.

And that question is, is it possible to add extra devices onto an alarm system once it’s been installed? And the plain and simple answer to that question is yes. And that doesn’t just apply to the systems that we install. I don’t know of any system that you can’t add additional devices to once it’s been installed.

Obviously there are a maximum number of devices that you can have on a system. Each control panel has its maximum, capacity, but I don’t know of any system where once it’s installed, that’s it. You can’t add anything else on, and if you hear from, an installer that says no, that’s it.
Once you’ve got your system, that’s it. Take that with a pinch of salt. It might be that they’re trying to pressurise you into buying things that you don’t know whether you want or not, and if they do say that kind of thing, then have a look at the manufacturer’s website of the equipment that’s going to be installed.

Ask or try and find out, ask that question of other installers of the same equipment. Certainly with our manufacturer of isonic, there is no problem adding additional devices onto a system once it’s been installed. So I hope that answers that question quite clearly.

You buy an alarm system, is it the case that what you get is all you can have or can you add more sensors as time goes on and your needs change? This video will answer that question.

It’s funny, when I was thinking about the list of questions that I wanted to answer in this video series, the question relating to today’s video isn’t something I ever even considered would be a question to answer. And yet I keep being asked it. So I’m going to answer it now in this video.

And that question is, is it possible to add extra devices onto an alarm system once it’s been installed? And the plain and simple answer to that question is yes. And that doesn’t just apply to the systems that we install. I don’t know of any system that you can’t add additional devices to once it’s been installed.

Obviously there are a maximum number of devices that you can have on a system. Each control panel has its maximum, capacity, but I don’t know of any system where once it’s installed, that’s it. You can’t add anything else on, and if you hear from, an installer that says no, that’s it.
Once you’ve got your system, that’s it. Take that with a pinch of salt. It might be that they’re trying to pressurise you into buying things that you don’t know whether you want or not, and if they do say that kind of thing, then have a look at the manufacturer’s website of the equipment that’s going to be installed.

Ask or try and find out, ask that question of other installers of the same equipment. Certainly with our manufacturer of isonic, there is no problem adding additional devices onto a system once it’s been installed. So I hope that answers that question quite clearly.

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