3 reasons why, 3 reason why not
Every alarm supplier that’s got a blog on their website has got a blog. That is something along the lines of, these are the reasons why you definitely should have an alarm system. Now, some people have got five reasons, some have got six reasons, one’s got nine reasons. But I haven’t looked through a lot of them.
There’s only actually a few reasons. Let me give you an example, there was one particular blog that I read which said one of the reasons why you should have an alarm system is that it protects your property. And another reason is that it deters burglary. But surely that’s the same thing, isn’t it?
So when I was looking at doing something like that for us, I tried to make it so that they’re actually different reasons, not just the same thing worded a different way. And, um, because we’re us and because we like to do things transparently, we recognise that in some respects, uh, that there are, you know.
Every alarm supplier that’s got a blog on their website has got a blog. That is something along the lines of, these are the reasons why you definitely should have an alarm system. Now, some people have got five reasons, some have got six reasons, one’s got nine reasons. But I haven’t looked through a lot of them.
There’s only actually a few reasons. Let me give you an example, there was one particular blog that I read which said one of the reasons why you should have an alarm system is that it protects your property. And another reason is that it deters burglary. But surely that’s the same thing, isn’t it?
So when I was looking at doing something like that for us, I tried to make it so that they’re actually different reasons, not just the same thing worded a different way. And, um, because we’re us and because we like to do things transparently, we recognise that in some respects, uh, that there are, you know.