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You might have seen I posted earlier with a competition on our Facebook page.
And I thought, no, that’s not good enough.
There are some companies, particularly restaurants, that are really struggling right now, can I do something to help them?
It turns out that of course there is.
So, I want to buy someone dinner – whenever this ridiculous world we’re living in now sorts itself out, I will buy someone dinner for two, at The Wicks Brasserie in Cosham. They’re a new eatery, only opened a little while ago, and have now found themselves facing this. They, and other places like them, need our support, now and in the future as we get back to normal.
Right then! If you would like to be the lucky person, go to our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/AmberleySecure and Like the page. That’s all you have to do.
My Siri has selected a random number between 100 & 200. If you are the person that takes the tally of Likes to that number, you win. We’ll announce the winner when we hit 200 Likes.
It’s not compulsory to share the post about the competition in order to win the draw, but the more people that know about it, the quicker someone will win.
Good luck!

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