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Today’s Mates On Monday is a shout out to Terence Carvalho.

After having spent the last few years in the hospitality sector, and having been on telly, Terence is now the local man for Delivered Social.

One of their services is a thing called Social Clinic — they will critique your social media and website, and suggest improvements. We’ve taken part in one, and it was really useful.

And it’s free.

Go have a chat with Terence. You can find him on LInkedIn at https://buff.ly/3UVxDTv , and Delivered Social at https://buff.ly/3UWm3aE Twitter at https://buff.ly/3Ac04o8 Insta at https://buff.ly/3UCcQV9 and TikTok at https://buff.ly/3X1ithf

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